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This hearty dish is a handicraft masterpiece. Hand-pulled noodles hail from the wild, sandy lands of northwest China. Noodle masters beat, fold and pull a flour-based dough, turning it into hair-thin noodles faster than most people can decide what to order. A classic bowl of hand-pulled noodles comes with beef broth, slices of beef, coriander and spring onions. Another popular derivation is knife-sliced noodles, or Dao Xiao Mian. To make this, the chef slashes chunks of dough in boiled water with eye-opening speed to make shorter, thicker and wider noodles.Lanzhou beef noodles was founded in Guangxu years, the Department of the elderly MA Bao-Hui son first, in the near century long years, to a bowl and renowned Jincheng to rotten meat, flour quality and fine reputation of Chinese and foreign, to enter the country. During crystallization of MA Bao-son and the subsequent numerous franchise beef noodle soup cooks wisdom and painstaking efforts. Today, because of delicious beef noodle soup delicious, affordable, not only abound in Lanzhou, and have been all over the Northwest provinces, there has been many places Lanzhou beef noodle shop. However, one out of Lanzhou beef noodles on , it is necessary to get the real authentic or in Lanzhou beef noodles. Visitors to the Maryland deserve a taste.Lanzhou beef noodles about "one-ching, II white, three red, four green, five yellow", or beef-ching gas liquor color incense; radish pure white tablets; red chili oil floating; coriander, fresh green ; noodles are silky yellow permeability. Noodles according to thickness can be divided into the big wide, wide, thin, two small, capillary, leek leaves, bridge types, such as wheat spinulosa. Noodles by hand drawing the scene into a bowl of less than two minutes to do a good job, and then doused with good tune beef soup, white films, transferred on the red chili oil, green , coriander, food is the wow.网上有一个ppt介绍兰州拉面的是英文版,你可以去看看。





问问其他厨师在哪里学习。 饧面 兴,将面团放置一段时间(一般冬季不少于30分钟,夏季稍短),其目的也是促进面筋的产生。放置也可以使蛋白质没有完全吸收水分,有足够的吸收时间来提高面筋的产生和质量。 溜条 膀圆力大的年轻人反复捣碎、揉反复捣碎、揉搓、拉伸、摔倒,然后将面团放在面板上,用双手握住面条的两端,抬起面条,用力摔倒在案板上。条拉长后,两端对折,继续握住两端,这在业内被称为顺筋。然而,揉成长条,拉成20毫米厚、筷子长的条,或揉成圆条。 拉面 把滑好的面条放在案板上,撒上清油(防止面条粘连),然后根据食客的爱好拉出不同尺寸和厚度的面条。 详细»




估计要三四千,我开的酒店给厨师五千左右。 详细»




拉面配方,比例 正宗兰州牛肉拉面 材料 主料:面粉30斤,牛肉10斤 配料:牛肝3斤,白萝卜10斤 调料:辣椒72,草果12,桂子5,姜皮12,清油0.5斤枯槐穗,味精3分,盐1斤,胡椒3元,香莱,蒜苗,葱花,各半斤,灰水72,辣椒油酌量。 做法 1.先用清水洗牛肉和骨头,然后在水中浸泡4小时(留下另一种血液),将牛肉和骨头放入温水锅中,即将打开时撇去浮沫,加盐42,草果5,姜皮5,辣椒2,用纱布包成调味料,用清水洗净灰尘,然后放入锅中,用小火炖5小时,取出稍冷后切成1厘米见方的丁。 2.将牛肝切成小块,放入另一个锅中煮沸,澄清备用。桂籽、胡椒、草果、姜皮用温火炒,煮沸,碾成粉末,萝卜洗净,切成片煮熟。 详细»